Night Landscape Photography

Online Research and Google Maps Helps in Photographic Projects

Sometimes I find myself stuck with my art (and my life–but that’s another story). It can happen when applying for a grant, seeking a residency, or just feeling uncertain about …

I Spent a Month Isolated in Greenland.  Here’s What it Was Like

I went to Greenland to photograph at night for a month. I was nearly totally alone. My main goal was to get to a glacier at the edge of the …

Greenland is Melting: Ice Broken From Glacier [Video]

Book Proposal: Night Landscape Photographs Taken in Greenland Darkland: Night Landscape Photographs of Greenland [Book Dummy] from Steve Giovinco Spanning history, environmentalism, and primordial beauty, I trace the lyrical night …

I Photograph Arctic Climate Change at Night in Greenland

I Capture Arctic Climate Change at Night. Spanning history, environmentalism and primordial beauty, I trace the lyrical night landscapes of Greenland and document irreversible environmental changes there. While these photographs crystallize a feeling …

Night Landscape Photographs of Climate Change in Greenland: Primordial Rocks

Update: Fulbright Grant Application to Create Fine Art Photographs of Climate Change in the Arctic Passes Peer Review My project to photograph the changing climate, history and culture in the …