
George Slade’s re: photographica Blog

I recently came across George Slade's re: photographica blog, which covers an interesting range of current books, contemporary photographers, all…

15 years ago

On the Edge of Somewhere: Photos

These images, more of which can be seen at www.stevegiovinco.com, are about intimate and emotional relations between couples, and are…

15 years ago

iDubai: New Joel Sternfeld book taken with iPhone

The ever thoughtful DLK COLLECTION blog offered an extensive review of iDubai, Joel Sternfeld's new book, curiously taken by using…

15 years ago

September 1st Award Deadline: The Tracey Baran Award for Photography

The Tracey Baran Award was established to honor the memory and achievement of Tracey Baran, a young photographer who died…

15 years ago

About Time at Jim Kempner Fine Art: last two days

A few days left to see the group photography show, About Time, at Jim Kempner Fine Art, 501 West 23…

15 years ago

The Madness of Art: The Celebrity Apprentice and Me

The Celebrity Apprentice from Jim Kempner on Vimeo. Check out the recent Madness of Art webisode. I play the Bathroom…

15 years ago

Wall Street Journal: “one of the best shows of painting in Chelsea”

Portrayal Lohin Geduld Gallery 531 W. 25th St., (212) 675-2656 Through July 10 Repeatedly, painting is declared "dead," then "revived,"…

15 years ago

Portrayal Group Show

Portrayal Lohin Geduld Gallery 531 West 25th Street New York, New York 10001 Through July 31

15 years ago

Magazine Posting

Some recent work and information about the About Time group show at Jim Kempner Fine Art is posted on Mousse…

15 years ago

Recent News, Blogs

I've joined Galileo Pix, a great boutique stock agency. I've also been mentioned in a few blogs: filmwasters.com lenscratch Magnum…

15 years ago