
Listings for Independent Photo Books

Interesting new take on book distribution: a blog to aid the distribution of dyi books & zines. Jorg states it like this:…

15 years ago

small framed photographs

http:// www.stevegiovinco.etsy.com Original Digital Photograph, Framed, 2x3"Original and jewel-like these diminutive framed photographs have an intimate and precious feel.  I…

15 years ago

Robert Frank: The Americans at the Metropolitan

The gritty black and white photographs seem to represent a different era in photography where direct but poetic observation was…

15 years ago

Larry Sultan

When I first saw his work at Graduate School I was shocked by Larry Sultan's poignant, personal photographs and were…

15 years ago

Photo on BOMBlog

Check out BOMBlog for an interesting poem--and one of my nightlandscapes. http://bombsite.powweb.com/?p=6574

15 years ago

Best Non-Fair Show Miami

Across for Aqua housed in a musty abandoned building is a highlight among the fairs: a photography show including Roe…

15 years ago

Miami Mania 2009

artnet's editor, Walter Robinson, mentions some of my work. http://www.artnet.com/magazineus/reviews/robinson/art-basel-miami-beach12-3-09_detail.asp?picnum=7

15 years ago

Digital Photographers Backup Plan: Create an Image

Yet again, hard drive or operating system failure lead me thank myself for creating complete replication or image of my…

15 years ago

New Images

15 years ago